Saturday, October 8, 2011

Los Che draw Che-Lsea, lob an explosive Granada, but "Kanoute" get past Sevilla

Taking a leaf of Practical Henry's record book was easier than I thought (I even got a well desiccated cockroach in the process, did you know they are a good source of Amino Acids..Park Ji Sung told me). 3 Matches, 3 Goals, 3 outcomes. and nothing really to say... except that I was watching the Spain Czech game last night cheering Silva and Mata shamelessly ignoring the fact that they were no longer from Valencia... It isn't often (read : Never) the two best players on show in a match play in the EPL. But back to the post subject, which unfortunately has been comprehensively covered by the title and anything further would just be needless literary masturbation covering themes mainly of nihilism, racial fascism, and social Darwinism, not necessarily mutually exclusive either (eg: That black Miguel asshole and his next 2 generations must be gassed...sigh but what's the point?).

Valencia played the better football against Chelsea and still could/should have lost by 3-4 goals, they absolutely pummeled Sevilla (do refrain from the 10-man hypothesis, Sevilla always play better with 10-men... I'm quite sure their training sessions involve some healthy bull-running) and ended up losing, and blew Granada to smithereens...1-0..... (as you can imagine, them smithereens were quite large and wholesome, and still breathing...). Meanwhile Madrid played like shit against Rayo who overran them in the 1st half, but still ended up winning 6-2 on a stupendous Ronaldo performance (2 penalties and a tap-in. Did I say stupendous, I meant stupidous or other similarly obvious plays around the word "stupid"). So unless the Liga changes its victory system to possession, chances, number of passes, or gameplay, I'm quite confident this season will end in another Barca 1, RM 2, ......................Valencia 3 and............................... rest. Those portuguese scum must be shot and genetically experimented upon..but sigh..what's the point?

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