Sunday, December 11, 2011

Narzidamus - Lord of Destiny

Does anyone else think has improved miiiiiiles this season? Sure they were always above average, hence the occasional glance in the first place, but they had articles 10 days after the game, fuzzy logic circuit diagrams which looked damn pretty and admittedly awesome to have churned out but ultimately said a "they won because they scored.....ish...." kinda nonsense, and always had a keen tactical analysis of formation strategy ending with "battle was won in Midfield"... (which of course said fuzzy logic diagram did not support, unless of course Xavi took out his IronMan suit, flew over the final 3rd and bazooka'ed the ball into goal, unfortunately we'll never know since SHIELD deleted those specific fuzzy logic diagrams... I'm not in the habit of painting absurd pictures but I'm still not convinced Xavi isn't secretly Robert Downing Jr....minus heels). Now they put out an article hardly 5-6 hours after the game, talk more formation less fuzzy diagrams, and (here's the clincher, and obviously the only real reason I brought this up..) say stuff I agree with!

They have last night's game cinched, right down to Cesc being a clueless freshman teenager who just had his period (yes you read that correct...) and ruining the entire Barca midfield. Anyone who saw Iniesta suddenly play like an unholy Titan from Gaia's own uterus right after Cesc got plugged deeper inside his own half covering Busquets should send a million hate mails to Pep and get him to trash this miserably failing cescperiment (and shift to the kind that involves untested cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and the odd nerve gas or so). To be honest, it was for all money still looking to be a 2-0 RM win for most of the 1st half, and then maybe 1-3 RM win after Alexis' first goal. Too many sites, blogs, newspapers, and even Carlton Palmer!!, saying RM surprisingly changed tactics to actively press rather than sit back and wait for the counter, nobody seems to know why though... A tactic working perfectly well, demolishing all opposition, one the team was comfortable with and good at....what coach in his right mind would throw a spanner in it and ruin the whole thing?

....No I wasn't talking about Madrid there ....#$$^%&*$%#$$^Cesc#%&*$^#)$##%*$&@#

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