Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Brothers Grimm - The Football fan and his Wife

Few days of sullen head shaking later, comes the time to put the annoyance to one side and think tactics (the detailed version of which will be posted under next week's "Think Tanktics". Haha ofcouurse I'm just kidding... i'll post it this week itself.. Again, just kidding.... the post will actually be called "Taca-Tici") ... Cesc gets his homesick ass back home... and it makes me sick. Sick to immediately start reading stuff like "Roma looks to snap up Thiago". But even if he has bumped Thiago off the MF replacement pole position, it still only puts him on MF replacement pole position which seems far too unimportant to be worth 40 mill.

Saturday probably wont tell, if indeed they play 4 across Mid behind the front 3, having had too little time with Cesc to actually have tried it in practice, but I wonder if their accountant might eventually start asking them what the ROI, NPV, and HHPs (Hero Hit Points... if he gets 45+ he can level up if he finds the scepter of Okhalion to fuse with Grishnakh Orb once Zoltar seals the demongate using Serpents of the blackflame) of this 40 Mill investment are... Unfortunately, that little distracting bracket reminds me I'd much rather be spending this time reading my Song of Fire and Ice book 5 than completing this post. Suffice to say, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if Cesc started in place of Puyol... (there I said it, see..Barca fans can actually diss club legends...)

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