Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 5: A mountain of a Cahill

Not bad at all. As un-expected, transfer rumours have started coming in a bit like Dani Alves. Thick and fast. Encouragingly, not all of them are about Wenger having his eyes on some impoverished French 12-year old. Okay, that sounds bad but you get the idea.

1. Cahill: Hurrah, finally a defender! Wenger confirmed this news yesterday and also added that the figure of 6m that is being bandied by the bigmouthed chairmen of Bolton is way off the mark and that we had in fact bid much more. The player is in his last year of contract and Owen Coyle has himself admitted that Cahill deserves to play in the CL and would be looking to sell if the right bid comes along. All these augur well for us and increase our chances of completing this deal. Cahill would definitely add some much needed physical presence to our back four and provide a backup when the Annual Arsenal Injury Season 2011 kicks off in November.

2. Chu Young: Ha, this story is just killer. Looks like we have stolen Korean captain and striker Chy Young from right under the noses of Lille. Chu Young after agreeing terms with Lille had his first medical done yesterday, but since then he has apparently absconded and gone AWOL. The word is that he has come to London to have a medical with Arsenal after Wenger rang him up and showed interest in signing him. Either he is desperate to join us or he loves having medicals. Either way it is rather curious.

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