Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 4: Kakalaka Baby

I know this is beyond ridiculous, but apparently we are interested in bringing Kaka on a loan from Madrid after learning that Mourinho is looking to offload the star. While he would undeniably be a welcome addition to the ailing midfield I call bullshit on this gossip. Kaka joining Arsenal is as likely as Busquet winning the Longest Time Spent Standing Without Clutching One's Face and Rolling Championship.

Yann M'Vila rumours are getting stronger. Some more rags are picking up on this news and this piece of gossip now seems like there is an element of plausibility to it. French. Unknown. Sounds like a guy only we would buy.

Also a bid for a EPL centreback has failed after the club in question asked for more cash, something that we clearly are in short of I suppose. We need someone who can provide good cover for Kos and Vermaelen and that too right away. Hopefully someone with loads of EPL experience (read ability to not imitate decapitated poultry when balls fly in through an aerial route). And being tightfisted with the pennies is not helping things. I suppose Arsene knows.

Increasing indications that we might be buying players finally though. All that I ask for is a centreback, a midfielder or two, and maybe a striker. Not too much.

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