Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fanaticism Catharsis

Oh men of fiery hearts and views apassion, harken to me this rhyme.......As weathered steel on an anvil, we temper our wounds on acid lime .......Against darkness the light shall shine brighter ....... If thought’s raw ore to chests clutched tighter ....... Our convictions might stay convictions, but those that follow a crime

Is exactly the kinda shit you wont be reading on this blog (yes we are aware it is a blog and is obligated to contain self-clicked pictures of silent landscapes that stir the soul and heart rending passages of self-discovery that drip drip we mean ooze like sugary syrup, not the slow leaking of nice looking dew... which would anyway feature in said self-clicked pictures). It was just there so I could say following wisdom in an overstated gay way that safely distances me from any intention of sounding wise : All football fanatics must annually baptize themselves in the cleansing rivers of ridicule and criticism to renew their fanaticism... So this is my annual baptism Anti-Barca Rant : STUPID BARCA I HATE THEM THEYRE SO GOOD THEYRE TOO AMAZING SO I HATE THEM BECAUSE I SUCK.. Unfortunately that wasn’t it... just tried to see if I could get away with only that, but don’t feel too cleansed yet..worth a shot.

People with enough perspective have now replaced “antics” with “antiques” for anything Jose does these days. I’d be interested to read a news report where he didn’t do something childish and churlish before/after games, but seeing as how my inter dimensional crossover machine went bust (when I said “pullll ze switch” Igor pulled it out of the socket...he’s dead now...OR IS HE!!! **lightning thunder**) and I need to remain in this world, I can safely say that news report isn’t coming ever. Which brings me to my anti-Barca rant - brain-dead floozy reporters might be dumb enough to pounce on yesterday’s events with long saved up drool (like “Journalism” is a real course... no this isn’t sour-grapes-sourness...maybe just a little...aaargh I hate engineers!!!), but a way too obviously far superior Barca acting the same? If life has taught me anything.. and by life I of course mean Jon Osterman from Watchmen, Broken Sword from Ying Xiong, and Anomander Rake from Malazan, it is that with great greatness comes great apathy..ness...

The bigger the gulf between them and their insignificant opponents, the less they should give a shit about anything but squishing and other assorted bug-violence behavior, which makes it a little unbecoming of Barca to see them roped into that Jackass Jose's baiting over and over again. I’d really have liked to see Barca swat nonchalantly at stung area and treat him like the pesky insect he (and indeed RM) is. After last year’s Quadro-Classico Tamil Megaserial-ish drama, Barca have gone on to become (atleast for me and my post-2000 perspective) the undisputedly greatest side in history while Madrid....exist somewhere, so while everyone condemns yet another pathetically immature circus show from Jose and gang, I sadly reflect on apathy not unsheathed... (that’s not what she said). Still hoping the next interview of Barca players/Pep will show them shrugging and saying "Jose who? like whatever if"

To take my baptism one step further, I will now unsheathe (still not what she said..) a pro-Gunner statement – Cesc came away from last night with a small piece of vaguely respectable who-cares apathy saying “It happens”, of course this was after hamming it up for a not-so-horrible foul in the first place, so I guess it was too small a piece (fine now that’s what she said...). But I am looking forward to Sunday night to watch how Cesc gets adjusted onto the right flank (in the 77th minute... before you wonder how he’s on the pitch at all), yesterday’s match doesn’t seem to show any intention of switching to 3 at the back, and there is no way Xavi’s creativity will be sacrificed by making him sole anchor, which means Pedro/Villa are out. 4-4-2 without midfielders giving any kind of width...what a stupid idea...I love it!!!

Which doesn’t in any way mean I’m abandoning my 3 at the back desire. Abidal at left back yesterday was like water out of fish...or was it the other way around... He was always the one to play RM's skulking poachers onside, and running around in circles frequently hovering confusedly between the winger on the touchline and the forward down the middle almost like a Defender strung out at LeftBa...oh wait that’s what he is... If Pep’s anyway using Mascherano as Suppandi errand boy doing odd jobs wherever possible, why not blood him as leftback, although I’d much prefer Adriano/Puyol anyday, and shift awesomEric back to Central D. The main case for a back 3 remains that Villa and Pedro are way too critical to the way Barca play, and that Alexis offers too much of what they missed last year, so sacrificing any of these 3 for Cesc seems unlikely. But then, them actually going and paying a bucketload of money for a 4th choice Central MF seemed unlikelier still.. The important thing here is... my catharsis is over and I'm feeling fanatical already! JOSE MORONHO the dung of a thousand camels should descend upon you...

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