Saturday, May 7, 2011

Naam mein kya hai?

Any comments about how bad or well try the name of this blog sounds will be dealt with severely.

That friendly yet firm warning was required before kicking off the blog. You see, the name has been that one impediment which has prevented this blog from seeing the light of day and it has become quite a touchy issue. That a bunch of PGDMs (Pretty Good Defensive Midfielders - was one of the candidates for the blog title for a very short moment. Very.) will start a blog is a given (not the Shay kind), but that they took so much time is what is surprising. It becomes less surprising when one learns that it has been the decision regarding the coining of the name that has held the bloggers back from penning down their football ramblings/musings/random thoughts. Those three, I hear, are the three most common phrases in blog descriptions.

Names are like bad referee decisions; you are stuck with the lot. What's in a name, you say? Ask Kai Wayne, the son of Wayne Rooney, who could have been 1000 times cooler had he been given the first name Bruce, but now is called Kai - which in proper Tamil means 'vegetable', and in slang means 'breast'.* Which is why we dwelt an inordinate amount of time (1 year, was it?) on coming up with a name that was cool, funny, clever and did not mean tits in any language on earth.

After some extraordinary procrastination we agreed upon a name today. Punalty Shootout. Even we think it makes no sense whatsoever, apart from the fact that it has 'pun' in it and it is a pun on a footballing term, which is what the blog is going to be about. About football, not footballing terms in case you were wondering. Also, we are reasonably sure a 'punalty' does not allude to a mammary.

Currently there are three of us and we like football. Two of us follow the EPL and identify ourselves amongst the Gooners. The third guy considers himself above all this EPL nonsense and is a self-described 'football' fan. Which means he supports Barca, at present, footballistically speaking, the most footballingly football side that exists. We also like bad jokes that are funny only when you are doped. Like Abbey Maria, the northie version of Ave Maria (I told you it is funny only if you are doped). We are graphophobic but cartoonophyllic; this will explain why there will be less of the zonal marking kind of writing that reminds one of Hall and Knight algebra (If Xavi completes 87% of his passes and Iniesta makes 235 passes, while Pedro buys mangoes that cost Rs. 3 each from Guardiola who is travelling at the rate of 4 km/h..) and more of the Cyanide and Happiness kind of irreverent humour (So, why do they call you the one-legged Eduardo?). There will be match reviews and previews with a twist. And cartoons as soon as we can find a good drawer. There will be some weird stuff here and there, most of it intentional. We will leave the actual content to the coming weeks. Good thing is the blog is here. At least it is up and running. (That's what she said.)

That is the blog in a nutshell. Actually it isn't, but I have always wanted to end something by saying 'nutshell'. Like Rosebud, but Nutshell instead of Rosebud.

*Incidentally, the quote 'What's in a name.." is from Shakespeare, who was known as the Bard and Bard also means breast in Tamil. Vicious circle of life, eh?

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