Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Football Entropy 2 : Liga and RM

Considering the previous post ignores the fact that Liga is a system in itself, in which case Entropy should be treated as a thermodynamic property instead, meaning any decrease in Entropy (as has been seen in Barca steadily over the last 7-8 years with the rise of Xavi, Iniesta, and lately Busquets) needs to be compensated by an overall increase in its environment's entropy or randomness. 4-5 years back, you could blindly watch games like Racing vs Celta (19 v/s 20) and be reasonably confident of getting a fiercely contested end to end spectacle with technically gifted players who were, more importantly, well drilled in rapid passing exchanges. Now, if there's a Gijon v/s Granada, I'd much rather watch Cesena vs Lecce in Serie A, since Liga's become a lot more disordered. People talk about defensive discipline and Liga's randomness here that has substantially improved, but ball control should really be more an indicator of order than defensive positioning.

Enter Madrid. The irony of pegging Madrid, sanctimonious elitist ruling party pigs, as the agents of chaos isn't lost on me (actually it is, wtf do I know about Spanish politics and social order.... I went through 16yrs thinking Spain was the capital of Mexico, which its not... that would be Colombia, also a famous university), but their transition from well constructed interplay to their current brand of blindingly fast - zigzag mayhem gaulish village brawl forward crawling out from under to score - football is too nicely coincidental with Barca's opposite entropy shift. Mourinho has been the delta enthalpy which has finally shifted the scales over to chaos, and for all the variables in formulae that just didn't match for the two teams in the previous post, it completely falls into place for Madrid's directional shift and philosophy.

To simply analyze the degree of disorder of a team by assigning randomness numbers to each player by their deviation from mean position in the heat map of soccernet Game cast, I can then proceed to give you any number that fits well with my eventual point (since I've fulfilled the necessary criteria of explaining my methods and stating my assumptions, you have no reason to check the actual number...) - 10 for Barca, 14 for Valencia, 40 for Madrid (led by Ronaldo, Lass, Di Maria), 2000 for Roma (wtf is going on with them this year!!!! who is what!!!). In a league that seems to be tending towards complete internal disorder, might be doom and gloom prediction time for how long Barca's low entropy football can survive in this environment. But it's not, I think Joker Mourinho might just decide Dark Pep isn't fun enough next season and leave, Madrid with this year's victory might make the fatal mistake of organizing their chaotic play, enough to drive the entire Liga towards reduced entropy. By my initial point though, this means Liga environment or Continental Football increases in disorder, and I won't be able to safely watch Cesena-Lecce any more. By now if you haven't deduced I'm wasted, then maybe I can have a few more.....

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