Saturday, May 21, 2011

Narz the Lord of Destiny

Sometimes, its so annoying to always be right....
Zaragoza win. Sociedad - Getafe draw. Depor lose : Segunda for 2011-12

ReLigation Battle : Depor's Last Stand

Liga Relegation battle tonight, with some big name casualties expected. A few posts back, I had mentioned how the 2004 Deportivo AC 2nd leg was the greatest football match I’ve seen, 1-4 at the San Siro, not even rabid liga fans like me would have given Depor a chance of a comeback at the Riazor. 90 minutes later it was 4-0. After the incredible Makaay – Tristan – Valeron combo died with Roy leaving for Bayern, the Luque – Pandiani pair made sure Depor (2000 Liga Champs and Top 3 every since) were still one of the premier Liga teams to contend with,.

7 years on, (in which a grand total of zero top-4 finishes have been achieved...) they stare at the imminent ignominy of Segunda. Joining them are Sociedad (yes the same Sociedad who consistently pushed Real till the very last week for the title), Osasuna (Champions league ‘06, UEFA Cup Semis ‘07) and Zaragoza (who always used to get voted most exciting team in Spain, how could they not! With Villa first, then Aimar – Diego Milito – Oliveira!).

Noone’s really safe in this cruel league, ask poor Celta Vigo who still haven’t managed to climb back to Liga, and tonights relegation fates rest on 3 Valencian clubs – Levante who face Zaragoza; Villarreal vs Osasuna; and the huge Valencia vs. Deportivo. My picks : Getafe Sociedad draw – both safe. Zaragoza win at Levante. Osasuna and Depor both lose – Deportivo joins Hercules and Almeria to Segunda. Although given Valencia has nothing to play for (3RD place wrapped up), I hope they hand out a favor...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Barca : Preparing for the big game.

How Man Utd can beat Barca - Tip 1

"And it is Valencia on the right flank for Manu.... all 11 of them." - Carlton Palmer

Ever Banega Crorepati

Season endings are bittersweet for most people. Bitter – no football for 3 months. Sweet – Transfer gossip and excitement. I HATE SEASON ENDINGS. Bitter – no football for 3 months. Bitterer – Vultures swooping over Valencia’s best players (aka “World’s best players”). 2 seasons back, Los Che were all about an incredibly talented arrowhead of Mata, Silva and Villa driving lightning paced one-touch passing in the final 3rd. Last season, the suddenly creative midfield, an emergent Pablo and a reemergent Joaquin meant this lightning paced one-touch passing backward integrated till the halfline. Valencia minus (Silva+Villa) later, the lightning started and stopped in the midfield. So while the Reals, Barcelonas, Inters, ManC’s and Chelseas chase Mata, Soldado and Pablo; I’m really going to be praying to all my gods, angels and elemental spirits (and a few water nymphs, but that’s for something else..) that one player manages to stay under the radar for the coming 3 vulture months – Ever Banega.

After 4 sad years, it almost seems like the hole that Riquelme left in Europe can be filled. Watching Banega first in Atletico colors (on loan) against Villarreal as he flew around everywhere tackling wildly (and eventually got sent off) I thunk “Damn what a psycho. Someone’s going straight back to the B team!”. But after Valencia finally stopped whipping poor old donkey Baraja and decided to get a shiny new pony, Banega set the midfield on fire running 2km more than the team on average and with surface-passing far superior to even Baraja. Add Xavi’s ability to collect under pressure and turn away from markers, and Iniesta’s smooth gliding dribbling – meant last year we suddenly had a team that I can safely say played better looking football than Barca. Though this Villa/Silva-less season has suffered from reduced prettiness in the final 3rd, Costa and Topal’s arrival have meant a middle 3 that keep possession for extended periods of time and play around each other very intricately.

Which brings me to my crossed fingers. Last summer I was extremely amused that Maradona picked Veron over Banega, but then also selfishly quite pleased that he wouldn’t get to set the WC on fire and put a giant target marker on his chest for swooping vultures. Here’s to hoping scouts are their usual blind stat-chasing selves and don’t start focusing on silky touched hardworking midfielders. While I’m at it, here’s also to hoping we get Forlan, Mexes (who is rumored i cant say going to...its too hard...AC aaaaaargh Milan) and Borja Valero. On the topic of midfielders with extraordinary vision and passing ability – Goodbye Ivan De La Pena who quits football this season.

Dangerous Dave Villa

Remember those times we got so involved in computer games, we almost started living our lives like we were in the computer game?? ..Me neither.. But I’m told it can happen. So how come it’s never happened to me! The only explanation can be that we are on the control function aspect of the cosmic inter-dimensional web of destiny mechanism theory. This critically acclaimed off-shoot of string theory that has polarized scientists for generations and been at the forefront of heated intellectual debate and CERN experimentation (and which I made up 2mins back) hypothesizes that the intrinsic existence of entities predisposed to have their fates intertwined with the probabilistic outcomes of virtual determinants must necessarily derive the existence of not only the causality string that attenuates and propagates this web of destiny, but also the said determinant in the first place (Effect and Cause Theorem).

This wisdom obviously entails that I use not for personal gains but for the greater good of the human race. And right now, there is no greater good than the victory of good (Barca) against evil (Red Thugs)..if it is to be a victory for football... After intensely complicated calculations (for starters, a closed loop integral of the Benzene – Aldehyde conversion and then double differentiated with respect to an Ether), I’ve concluded that The Magnificent El Guaje has been in a suspiciously poor run of form because someone (also on the control function aspect of the CIDWDMT) has been playing Dangerous Dave (Villa)...and playing it rather badly. So after making sure the festal stars had aligned to open up the causality string window for May 28th, I quickly downloaded Dave and sat down to write Villa’s destiny and overturn the disastrous past month he’s had.

Causality String Attenuated..............

Shit..I must have integrated the Benzene-Ketone and got the wrong Dave instead. Sigh...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ringu Rooney

Coming to TV screens near you : Wayne "Samara" Rooney.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

CSI: Barcelona

Porto U A FuckUp

Who really gives a shit about the UEFA Cup. Me. Who really gives a shit who DOESN’T have nothing to do except switch between Ten Action and Star World (I just watched Motherwell vs Dundee....) – Noone.

Lets halt a minute to give my fellow punaltyshooters time to revolve an entire post around above mentioned joblessness... “Preview 1b,c” I believe...i should name this post “I love arsenal”. The last really interesting UEFA Cup (and I put that mildly, it was gripping enough to make me give up all the sex I wasn’t getting in the first place) was in 2003-04 (OK yes Valencia won...but ALSO it was the year of the most boring Champions league EVER. Except the greatest football match I’ve ever seen : Depor vs. AC 2nd leg... holy drool batman). But this dying cup has suffered from Valencia deciding to grace the Champions League ever since (just to increase the tournament’s glamour after the 2003-04 disaster).

That being said, that year Sevilla retained the Cup was pretty cool (3 liga teams in the semis!) and obviously watching Forlan rip out English hearts last year was excellent, but overall I realized today that I’ve seen absolutely no UEFA Cup matches that didn’t feature liga teams (though boring ass Sevilla does not count as liga). So even though I vowed to boycott this year’s edition after Villarreal was dumped out, I will be watching the finals tonight. And cheering for a cataclysmic event (Slightly bigger than Polly’s tsunami, but also slightly smaller than the asteroid flung out of Arachnid quarantine zone Klendathu in Starship Troopers) that will rid the world of 2 Portuguese teams... good riddance. God I hate Portugal. (Any Portuguese Supermodels reading this, I’m just kidding...)

Barcelona - Man United : Preview 1c

Just like every other MBA student, I like beating the odds and performing under pressure. So when I found a thrown gauntlet this morning,I quickly picked it up. I guess Narz the Barca fan(?) is already writing part c of the preview and I hope this post is completed before our resident corposlut beats me to it. The earlier previews (in fact, most of the earlier posts) have been filled with random ManU bashing and "Oh! Yes! Barca!" every two sentences. While I would love to do more of the former, I prefer to concentrate instead on the people who are going to sit in front of their Televisions and actually watch this thing.

In all these years of football watching (mostly getting pissed off at Arsenal's back five and listening to random ManU crap), I have encountered a lot of people who claim to follow the beautiful game (people who even call it
Jogo Bonita). I have tried to categorize these people broadly. You may add new categories and place yourselves in them.

Category 1

5 years ago: "Hey this red T-shirt is so nice ya! What is this name behind it? Beck-ham? Kewl!"

Now: "ChicaritooooooO! Number 19! Glory glory Man United!Knocked 'em off their f***in' perch!"

Category 2

"Oh I have to follow football to sound cool at IIM and placement interviews. Let me follow ManU, since their red jerseys are so nice. I don't have to actually know anything."

End of every ManU match : "What's going on? Oh! ManU match! Go United!"

After ManU victory: "Haha we won! Polly, keep the 3000 bucks ready (reference to bet made 1 year ago)"

Category 3

10 years ago : "Hmm. Everyone seems to be following this English football. Too mainstream. I shall support Valencia and pledge my undying loyalty to it"

Now (Long time, no Valencia in Champions League)
: "Ooooooh Barca ! Messi! Xavi! Pedro! Oh, by the way, EPL sucks."

Category 4

None of the above

Anyway, I will be watching the match with a decidedly neutral air (ManU getting humiliated, naturally). I am not sure if the match would even be played, since rumours are abuzz that the players from both teams are planning to bunk the game in order to travel to Chennai to watch the IPL final.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Barcelona - Man United : Preview 1b

In the debut edition of our preview series comes the creatively titled second installment - Barcelona - Man United : Preview 1 b. That post title tells you two things. One, there has been a 1a (which you can read here). And two, that we need help in the naming department here at Punalty (cringe) shootout.

After that heavily blaugrana-tinted preview from Narz the football fan, I come with a preview that is less of Oh-Xavi-go-on-give-it-to-me-you-animal and more of what-an-equally-abominable-bunch-of-bastards. As an Arsenal fan I have more than enough reasons to hate both the clubs and my supporting any one of them is as unlikely as Puke writing part 1c of this preview series. The only person on the field I will come close to cheering will probably be the referee and that too only when he waves a red card over a concussioned Alves for breaking Rooney's legs. Or leg. I am rather easy to please actually.

After pondering on the weighty question of which club I revile more for about a week now (during which the allegedly employed Narz has churned out a zillion posts) I have come to the conclusion that preview serieses are a bad idea. Just like playing literature after getting drunk. Hence there will be no previewing of the Manchester monkeys vs Barca Bastards game. Instead you can solve this crossie that I have set, themed to an extent around the clash of the Manu Motherfuckers and the Catalan Chuths (Basque Bhenchods, Pep's Prostitutes.. I can do this all day (That's what she said))

Click here for the crossie. You can choose to download it in MS Word format if you find the Google Docs version to be like Fergusson's English: garbled and incomprehensible. Go to file, download as Word. Answers soon.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Coping with tragic loss - with Agony Aunt Polly

The latest Assenal loss to Villa closes yet another gleefully pathetic season for whiny annoying loser Arsenal. Gooner fans are dichotomized between those forming support groups and blaming refs, coaches (and the press, and God, and Stalin, and Bart Simpson etc etc), and those shrugging shoulders claiming they don’t care since it’s a period of transition (like the one between the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods...around 5 Million years). But one Gooner has risen above these trivialities and not only moved on smoothly, but also set a shining example for fellow Gooners who want to put this agony behind them. He is none other than....

Polly the African Tribal Investment Banker.

Now you’ve met your wise counselor, don’t let this tragic season ruin you. Get your life in order, with these simple tips from Agony Aunt Polly. What to do, and how to do it – by Polly the ATIB. Standard conditions apply

1. Be a star at work

2. Let your hair down

3. Show those Gooners how MEN play football.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Congratulations. Now get over it and Shut the F*** Up

Show of hands.. Who has puked atleast thrice this weekend at all the nauseating status messages... They beat Chelsea and Arsenal to the title and then pick on a team that has, for the last decade, held open-bus parades for finishing 4th. Atleast have the decency to bring up real issues like "Remember your last trophy? It was around the time you fell on the Hillsborough fence and died. Haha Die Mofos Die!!". Talk about whipping an expired equine.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Farewell Vicente Rodriguez

Tonight while the entire subcontinent watches Shebby Singh talk about Cholsi, one extremely sad and nostalgic Indian will be hoping a) Ten Action telecasts the Los Che game and b) Vicente starts. After 11 years, not just Valencia C.F but the entire city of Valencia will bid farewell to its favorite son, one of the most underrated footballers of the past decade. Fitting that it is against Levante, from where he was signed. More fitting that he signed in 2000, the year I started following Valencia seriously.

The player I initially used to curse, since he kept getting subbed in for my then-hero Kily Gonzalez, Vicente quickly became my favorite player within the next season. His telepathic partnership with Mista could have rivalled even Totti-Cassano (I won't of course go as far as saying Xavi-Iniesta), but as usual his 3 absolutely untouchable seasons in Liga went unnoticed, till he blazed Euro 2004 and ripped defences apart - I remember him drawing 4 Portuguese yellow cards in the first 20 minutes. It is one of football's greatest tragedies that Science hasn't discovered ankle transplants yet, truly scary what he could have achieved with a real ankle.

Farewell Vicente Rodriguez.

The "Get it out of your system" Post

The following is of no use to anyone except the author..and his OCD.

The unthinkable was happening (presumably because the unhappenable was being thought, by some reprobate somewhere). 80 minutes on the clock, 0-0 with the Red Thugs having built a phalanx in front of Edwin since kickoff. Wave after wave of Barca attack SMASH on ManU shields after funneling into th hot gat...wait...this movie analogy is making thugs look good... And the Swat Kats released all their TurboKat missiles at Dr.Viper’s Bacteria Beast, but each hit only meant one more Bacteria Beast rose to fight... Xavi weaved, Messi spun, Iniesta threaded, and Villa did other stitching related verbs (while Mascherano knitted quietly in the corner whistling the theme song of “Happy Days”) only to get hacked down by ManU axes and pitchforks.

Still, they battled on with 10 minutes left. Pique chests down long clearance, passes to Alves who slips to Busquets and goes bombing onward. Busquets gets felled by ..some thug, who cares... Xavi takes quickly to Puyol who lays off for Iniesta. Past 2 challenges, back to Xavi, diagonal ball to Alves, first time layoff for Pedro who cuts inside, drives to the byline and picks out Villa. Villa steps over at the last minute letting Messi shoot onto the upright. 4 minutes to play. Quick throw in by Puyol, Iniesta to Pique, who almost passes to Masch but realizes the sweater isn’t finished yet, instead his pass slices through 2 forwards to find Busquets, who pivots around the challenge, sidefoots to Xavi. Xavi feints, takes it into the other half, 1-2 with Messi, 1-2 with Iniesta, passes through to Villa who races clean onto goal, hacked down by Vidic like a tree in the forest, true to the analogy he makes no sound.. No penalty. Into Extra time.

Messi drops back and collects deep in his half. Skips past first challenge, the second, the third. He’s clear. Rushes forward towards Carrick positioned in front of Vidic. Cuts to the left, back to the right, through both of them. Rio slides in to cover, Messi checks, swivels round and is 1 on 1 with the keeper, slides it past..keeper pushes it onto the post, rebounds to Evra who swats it upfield blindly. To Rooney all by himself in the Barcelona half!! No one to beat, with Pique trying to catch up from the opposite D (and Masch in his rocking chair), takes it past Valdez, hits it goalwards. Ball trickles towards the goal line in what will seal the Champions League, Rooney puts his hands to his flappy ears and everyone watches the ball for ManU's winning goal going...going..going....THUD......
THUD .......
THUD ........
SCREEEEEEE...ohmygod .....ITS BOB THE T-REX HOW DID HE GET HERE....and he’s pissed!!! He stomps on the ball...picks up Rooney and bites his head off...Now he’s eating everyone on the ManU team, damn he might not have taste buds but I guess he has taste in football...

It isn’t often I can go so many pieces of writing (3) without an appearance by Bob the T-Rex (Robert to you people... only I can call him Bob). Something just didn’t feel right. Now its out of my system (for atleast 3 more posts), I feel better. Back to the real posts....

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Eastern Chronicles 1 : Ninja Warriors 2010-11

Ever since Eric Cantonese-a* did his dropkick (what...a Thug..from ManU???? Surely you jest...), the ancient Shaolin Order has been conferring an annual honor of Ninja Warriors on the players of the season who prove themselves worthy of true Shaolin way of life.

* by the way if there’s still some confusion, he’s the psycho who’s always talking weirdly on the ad campaign for Judo Bonito or whatever

A Ninja Warrior fights for the underdogs against a mighty enemy.

Clubs wouldn’t touch this guy with a 10-ft pole, now Tottenham is hitting other clubs with their very own 10-ft pole. Typically ugly English goal that kicked out Milan in the underdog-success story of the year. I love underdog successes (especially against A.C “Lets grow old together” Milan) but this...was...painful. EPL Catenaccio revival continues..

A Ninja Warrior fights in the shadows. A smash and grab force.

After Sneijder’s season last year, few expected Inter’s best creator to be anyone else. But after weaseling his way back into Inter in Jan ’10, Pandev’s been quite the impact sub. Direct running from his Lazio forward days (thank god Totti beat him to goal of the season in 200 ), and through-balls from his Macedonian heritage (think it over..), now he’s weaseled his way into the first 11, but true to the only other Goran I know, Pandev’s game is either first serve ace, or rally lost.

A Ninja warrior is a master of disguise, often posing as a forward when instead he is a goalkeeper

Played extremely successfully in Eredivisie for few seasons and picked up Dutch tendencies (Going all the way to Africa and screwing with the Africans in their own land...). I hear Asamoah has started calling him “Luis Boer”. Taken to EPL quite well, but so did Luis Garcia in the first 2 months, so fingers crossed (and hands behind back). But he made for my bestest World Cup ever (Spain wins, Uruguay Semis...only thing missing was Argentina somewhere in the equation), and that after I (till the semis) continually anti-campaigned his over-hyped ass and convince ignorant fools that the team was about Forlan,Perez, and Pereira.

A Ninja Master is one who knows that only by giving up being a warrior, can one be a true ninja warrior.

Ching Chong Xavi (not to be confused with Ching Chang Chevy, my prediction for ending of “Community”...unholy union of Pierce and Senor Chang...) is the most enlightened player in history, having transcended the philosophies of victory, defeat, scoring goals, or statistics. Truly deserving of the name Xavi Zenandez (not because he’s compact, 270 degree steering wheel manoeuvrability and 19.7 kmpl..yes, my first and favorite did you also has awesome suspension making it real fun to bounce up and down in it...not xavi...zen...)

A Ninja warrior is one who what this guy’s doing to poor Alonso

Readymade Chinese name needing no pun (Although I was considering “Nigel De JongJitsu”).
Readymade Explanatory Picture needing no write up....easiest segment ever...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Barcelona - Man United : Preview 1a

I’ve been accused of letting my personal feelings shadow objective judgment of ability. Let me make one thing clear, I do NOT hate Manu.. not because of the usual “they’re not important enough to hate” or “the word hate isn’t strong enough” or even the “me football zen, like Ji Sung Park, Om” , but because I’m a liar. I hate Manu..a lot...hate them 120%

After Valencia crashed out, I didn’t have any stakes left in the UCL. So as a neutral impassioned fan who just wants to see good football (i.e Barcelona), nothing would give me greater pleasure than to watch Manu get dominated and humiliated, though I suspect some of them are into that kind of thing…

To say the Reds are going to, for 90 minutes on 28th May, desperately run around like dogs chasing their own tails would be unfair. To dogs...who eventually catch their tails, or get thrown a bone and forget the tail. Of course, it is entirely possible Javier “Deferred Liability” Mascherano ends up throwing a bone too sometime (hopefully one from Valencia’s ankle), so Manu fans will hope Rooney/Chichi (or as Park would say “xi xi”) have enough running left in them to take advantage of it. Is Fergie brave enough not to ask the front 2 to drop back and push Xavi, Busquets in possession? Di Maria was able to take advantage of Busquets too-short pass to Xavi in the second leg to start Higuain’s disallowed goal (but that’s a story for another day…haha stoopid Ronaldo) since he was no longer asked to push Villa unlike in the first leg. Unfortunately for the contest, instead of pressurizing Masch (with a feather, otherwise he might start rolling around in pain), Rooney might just spend his time playing 4 corners with Xavi, Busquets, Alves and Pique while Masch snickers away at the spectacle.

F.C.Barcelona vs Those Other Guys - The Behematch : Preview Series

Too late to preview the ManU Chelsea entertainment (a. I don't say "match/game" for the same reason WWF was changed to WWE, b. "Too late" wouldn't really have stopped me from previewing a game I actually gave a crap about) and too early to tactically preview the Champions League Final, a good time to start warming up to May 28th with a tripartite look at the biggest game of every year (I'm told there is a section of society that looks forward to World Cups, even ones that Spain doesn't the interest of understanding opinions that are different from mine rather than dismissing them, I invite dialogue with this section of society - but only after they are straitjacketed and tied to a chair...the electric kind)

So once you're done watching Howard Webb win the ManU Chelsea fun/bout/thingumbob, drink up Parts 1a,b,c of a long line of features on the 28th May Behematch (if you think that's bad, I was originally going with "Behemothball" I think i traded up...)

PunaltyShootout FAQ

What is PunaltyShootout?
OK so this isn’t too frequent a question, coz no one cares... but punaltyshootout is an unashamedly biased view of footballing events. And although its called a “Shootout” only we get to shoot, any comments to be restricted to polite observations and resigned grumbles (occasional expletives and AlTeRnAtE caps might be tolerated, but then also viciously destroyed in weekly “Comments Fail” section)

Who are you and what do you want??

Um..Right...but we meant what's this site got that etc don't?

Well we can tell you what they have that we don't, if that helps..

What is your creative process?
First we scour the net searching for ridiculous pieces to laugh about (as you can see from the quality of this question, there is no dearth of them), then the 3 of us discuss common perspectives within a deviation of 2 sigma while striving for middle grounds on disagreements. After few hours of constructive negotiation, we each realize we have post privileges on the blog and go ahead with our original views, with special care given to magnify and exaggerate particularly incendiary statements. Case in Point : "Valencia C.F will eat yo kids you Arsenal pansies, although knowing Arsenal’s mom, could be our kids too :( "

Is there life outside earth?
We forgot to mention the syllabus of this FAQ.

Why did the chicken cross?
Coz its go read the damn blog.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Naam mein kya hai?

Any comments about how bad or well try the name of this blog sounds will be dealt with severely.

That friendly yet firm warning was required before kicking off the blog. You see, the name has been that one impediment which has prevented this blog from seeing the light of day and it has become quite a touchy issue. That a bunch of PGDMs (Pretty Good Defensive Midfielders - was one of the candidates for the blog title for a very short moment. Very.) will start a blog is a given (not the Shay kind), but that they took so much time is what is surprising. It becomes less surprising when one learns that it has been the decision regarding the coining of the name that has held the bloggers back from penning down their football ramblings/musings/random thoughts. Those three, I hear, are the three most common phrases in blog descriptions.

Names are like bad referee decisions; you are stuck with the lot. What's in a name, you say? Ask Kai Wayne, the son of Wayne Rooney, who could have been 1000 times cooler had he been given the first name Bruce, but now is called Kai - which in proper Tamil means 'vegetable', and in slang means 'breast'.* Which is why we dwelt an inordinate amount of time (1 year, was it?) on coming up with a name that was cool, funny, clever and did not mean tits in any language on earth.

After some extraordinary procrastination we agreed upon a name today. Punalty Shootout. Even we think it makes no sense whatsoever, apart from the fact that it has 'pun' in it and it is a pun on a footballing term, which is what the blog is going to be about. About football, not footballing terms in case you were wondering. Also, we are reasonably sure a 'punalty' does not allude to a mammary.

Currently there are three of us and we like football. Two of us follow the EPL and identify ourselves amongst the Gooners. The third guy considers himself above all this EPL nonsense and is a self-described 'football' fan. Which means he supports Barca, at present, footballistically speaking, the most footballingly football side that exists. We also like bad jokes that are funny only when you are doped. Like Abbey Maria, the northie version of Ave Maria (I told you it is funny only if you are doped). We are graphophobic but cartoonophyllic; this will explain why there will be less of the zonal marking kind of writing that reminds one of Hall and Knight algebra (If Xavi completes 87% of his passes and Iniesta makes 235 passes, while Pedro buys mangoes that cost Rs. 3 each from Guardiola who is travelling at the rate of 4 km/h..) and more of the Cyanide and Happiness kind of irreverent humour (So, why do they call you the one-legged Eduardo?). There will be match reviews and previews with a twist. And cartoons as soon as we can find a good drawer. There will be some weird stuff here and there, most of it intentional. We will leave the actual content to the coming weeks. Good thing is the blog is here. At least it is up and running. (That's what she said.)

That is the blog in a nutshell. Actually it isn't, but I have always wanted to end something by saying 'nutshell'. Like Rosebud, but Nutshell instead of Rosebud.

*Incidentally, the quote 'What's in a name.." is from Shakespeare, who was known as the Bard and Bard also means breast in Tamil. Vicious circle of life, eh?